on that note: we are recording guitars come monday. im pretty stoked to start this process as it really shapes the tone and vibe of the record. we are trying to get a a really thick, slamming guitar tone, and to do that we're trying out a LOT of different shit. for amps we'll be using (we'll get specific gear specs up come monday when we start tracking) a marshall jvm 410h, a peavey vtm60, a peavey 5150, a framus cobra, a soldano (avenger i think), an orange (i wanna say it was a rockverb? dont remember), and possibly one more.
as you can tell, we're gunna be getting pretty damn nutty with our guitar tones. :) i cant wait. if the guitars sound half as good as daniels drumming, we're in really good shape, people.
whos trying to see inception this weekend?

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