we are still in the process of recording guitars. everyone in the band has a full time job of sorts except john, but he is busy with circle of defeat and filling in for sixes, as well as having a part time job from home and a girlfriend who lives 2 hours away. needless to say, we are all very busy dudes, so recording during the week has been nearly impossible.
we are about 70% done with guitars. its sounding fucking phenomenal. when i dont have a bunch more to talk about, i will break down some details of it, but suffice to say, we've spent a total of about 5 10 hr days on guitar, really working on making it sound as good as possible. should wrap it up this weekend or early next week, then we move onto bass.
next, as some of you read the note from chug, he has been going through a lot of personal issues. mostly health related, but it causes a serious serious depression that i think almost all of us have faced at one point or another in our lives. its not easy to overcome and im proud of him for pulling out.
as for the future of open fire & chug, it remains to be seen. we've always been a pretty open book. if you talk to us or know us, we dont hide behind the bullshit lines or anything. frankly: none of us have a lot of faith in chug's dedication right now as it rests on shakey foundation. he is only recording a few songs on guitar as he hasnt been to many practices over the last couple months to learn the 2nd half of the record. and for those of you who saw us july 10th in centralia, you saw john our bassist filling in on guitar.
so, for now, we dont know where we're going. we are spending every second we can on this album and thats basically all that is infront of us, except...
our friend shane from MIRROR THE GHOST and MONSTER MONSTER is filling in on drums as daniel is gone on tour with his other band idols, so please come out and make shane feel welcome for this show. plus, the show is only $5 in if you dont have it or dont wanna pay, you wont be turned away. but all proceeds go into opening a new venue in the heart of tacoma. why the fuck wouldnt you support that?
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