I recall seeing a random trailer for a movie starring ryan reynolds called buried. I didn't really remember anything about it when the movie was later brought to my attention by the massive amounts of critical praise it had amassed over the couple months between. I watched the trailer and was a lot more aware of the movie.
I noticed it wasn't playing in many places around me except in downtown seattle which is hard for me to get to and hard for me to justify paying parking ontop of the crazy movie prices.
Anyway, it was released on blu ray this week so I finally got a chance to see it and in HD. To not bullshit anymore with this review, I'll say it: the movie is fantastic. The entire movie takes place in a coffin in which paul (reynolds) wakes up in. How the fuck can you make cinematography cool with one location that's approx 6' long, 3' wide, 2'? I don't understand but they did. The fascinating ways they added lighting looked wonderful as well.
in any case, a movie starring one person, in one spot, for 100 minutes sounds like the epitome of boring, and honestly i thought i would pass out within 5 minutes of starting it. but by the 10 minute mark my eyes were wide and alert, i was sitting up on my couch and giving the movie 110% attention. i sat on the edge the entire film, up until the very last second. it was funny, frightening, dramatic, engrossing, and great. ryan reynolds performed easily one of if not the best performances of 2010. i found him more captivating than anything in the big films of 2010 - including the "shoe in" for jesse eisenburg in social network.
if he isnt given at the very least a nomination, it is a complete and total snub job by the academy. the movie is captivating and fantastic. see it. believe it.
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