drive, park, gas, drive, park, drive, play, drive, park, gas, drive. average day/day and a half of tour. as every waking moment goes by igain new respect for bands, and their unearthly amount of patience with each other, as well do i garner respect for armor for sleeps "the complete guide to touring". great band. weird dvd but it makes more sense hourly.
we have companions on this tour. our merch dude harry has been a friend of mine for 6 years or so, and he did merch for us on the last tour. i cant imagine a better person to do it, as he has impecable people skills, as well as he has a very persuasive, strong personality. not to mention he moshes harder than you, and has listened to the hoods since age 15. get into it. hes married and cant to get home to his laaaadaaaay. also with us, are frank and carlos. here they are, respectively. there stories behind each dude, but theyre very personal.
ian is constantly yelling at no one...whether it be his pokemon or whomever hes battling, he is in a constant verbal struggle with it as his thumbs twiddle away. nick blows his nose a lot and sets up his drums slow while we constantly rush him. guess you cant rush a good thing, i do love his kit. chug had a nosebleed this morning. i wonder if he picked his nose too hard. or if it was all the coke he did. im constantly trying to keep things charged. laptop, phone, ipods, van battery, and myself. have only had one good night of sleep so far. i think most of the dudes are the same except a couple of us may have gotten a bit better sleep here and there.
these are the hills of america. built by the blood sweat and tears of america. they are everything the rest of the world is not. dull, plain, boring, mediocre and ultimately depressing. its a shame america couldnt figure out how to distribute resources better. instead of homes being crammed 140 houses on 7 acre lots, we could spread thigns out a bit. obviously, suburban spread has destroyed the allocation of resources, but there is far too much unused space. all the clusterfuck mall cities every 20 minutes apart on the freeways up and down the coast, should be spread out hours apart through the midwest and the great american hills.
this post doesnt really have a point. just thoughts on my brain for me to type out instead of stare at buttfucking nothing/reading.
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